Day 3 Travelling across the USA

Today was always going to be an emotional day. We returned to where Nicola spent her summers nearly three decades ago.


Like every morning, we had the free breakfast in the hotel. Then took an uber to Boston North for the train to Portland.

On arrival at Boston North, we decided to get some snacks for the train. Doug, one of the people we were staying with, told me he tells everyone when he meets me that I always have a beer to hand or nearby. Wanting to keep this tradition going, I decided to buy a couple of beers from the shop. The thing with the USA, and it seems to be all over the country, is you can’t just buy 1 or 2 small cans; your options are a large can or six small cans. I have no idea why they do this, they are really strict on age limits, but you can’t buy a small amount! Anyway, I purchased the minimum six cans and jumped on the train.

The train ride from Boston to Portland was stunningly beautiful. We do plan to return and make some stops along the journey as we go.

Late Morning

Nicola was becoming quieter the closer we got to Portland, the odd tear was starting to appear. I can only imagine what emotions she was starting to feel.  Doug was waiting for us on arrival, and we made the short journey to the family home.


Nicola walked up the stairs into the house and said “This is exactly how I remember it.” Walking around the corner she was met by Kathy, the mother of the family, and the tears really started then. Soon after appeared Katelyn one of the girls who she stayed with, and her family.

Megan was introduced to her kids and no sooner had they finished they were off getting ready for a day at the pool.

We spent the afternoon talking about the memories Nicola had from her stay, drinking a few beers, and just chatting about anything. Megan wasn’t heard from all day, playing away with her new friends.


Dinner time! Lobster was a new one for me. The look of confusion on my face must have been clear to see! Doug, then led us through the process of how to get the meat out of it. I’m not really a fan of seafood, they clearly sensed this and had some sausages on in the background.  I did enjoy trying something new, but won’t be rushing out to buy it again.

Night time

The evening was ended in the most perfect way. Sitting around the fire, the kids roasted s’mores, I got eaten alive by the bugs and we enjoyed each others company until it was time for bed.

A really emotional, but happy day for all. Listening to Kathy talk about Nicola and Nicola talk about her memories was really nice.

Thanks for reading about us travelling across the USA. 

The Lewis Family. 

Posted in USA

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