Day 10 Travelling Across the USA

Today felt like a quiet day on our travels, but it wasn’t. We got to experience Nashville and all it offers.


Megan had us up early this morning. All she could think about was spending time in the pool! Sadly, the pool didn’t open until 9:30 am, and she spent her time pacing the floor until it opened.

The moment the clock struck 9:30 am, she was straight in and played away until it was time to get ready to go out.

Honestly, Megan could play in a pool from dawn to dusk!


Our only plan for today was to visit Broadway in downtown Nashville. We arrived just after midday, and honestly, it felt like 7 pm Saturday, not lunchtime on a Monday!

However, before we started visiting the bars, we had to pay a visit to a 7Eleven to get Megan a slushie. This 7Eleven was weirdly one of the must visit places in Nashville. There was nothing exciting about it, but it played weird Opera music over the forecourt. Most likely to keep cool kids from hanging out there!

Nashville is a weird mixture of old and new. We did enjoy walking past some beautiful older buildings on the way back to Broadway.

The rest of the afternoon we spent watching live music in the many bars. Nicola described this place as Amsterdam with bands in the windows, really not a bad way to put it.

You could honestly spend a couple of days here, dipping in and out of the bars and the many museums. One day downtown wasn’t enough for us, but we had done as much as we could.

The most bizarre thing about the day was Megan getting ID’ed in an arcade/bowling alley. They even marked her hand to make sure she didn’t get served a beer.


Everyone was starting to hit the wall. We decided to head back to the hotel and take advantage of the FREE food and drinks available between 5:30 pm and 7 pm.

This evening we were joined by Doggy and his mate Willow who raided the popcorn machine. Doggy is getting old, so he doesn’t come out with us much during the day.

As most people left the hotel after the free drinks, we decided to catch up on some washing. The washing machine was just down the corridor from our room, meaning we could chill out in the room and nip down when it was ready. $4 for a full load washed and dried, bargain! Once done, it was lights out for us all.

Thanks for taking the time to read our pretty uneventful ‘Day 10 – Travelling across the USA.’
The Lewis Family.

Posted in USA

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