Day 15 Travelling across the USA.

This morning we said “Goodbye” to Las Vegas and “Hello” to Los Angeles.


Travel day today, which meant one thing – another early morning start! Thankfully we were staying close to the airport, so the Uber ride was brief, and before we knew it, we were through security and waiting at our gate. The crazy thing about Vegas is you can gamble a second before you board the plane. Imagine if you hit the jackpot before boarding!

The flight to Burbank was brief and with no hassles. Before we knew it, we were off the plane and waiting outside on our Uber to our Airbnb in Burbank.

Everything went amazingly well this morning.


Thankfully, finding our Airbnb and getting in was straightforward. The reason why I say ‘Thankfully’ is because Megan and I hit the wall badly. Neither of us had any patience for anything or anyone, so we decided a power nap was the best option. Megan isn’t one for sleeping during the day, but after a bit of a fight, she was out cold and snoring, and I wasn’t far behind.

While we slept, Nicola took herself to the shops to buy food for the rest of our time here and then went and washed our clothes in the laundry a few blocks away.

Nicola arrived back a couple of hours later, and we woke up as she entered the room. We had a bit of debate as to what we were going to do this evening. It was a Saturday, and we felt we had wasted a large part of the day. Sightseeing was 100% not on the list of activities, so we decided to hop in an Uber and head to Dave & Busters for a night of playing games.


Our Uber driver arrived, and we made our way onto the freeway and in the direction of the Hollywood walk of fame, where Dave & Busters is. Our driver was friendly and gave us loads of recommendations of places to see around the city. He did warn us we wouldn’t like the area we were going to, and he was right. As soon as I opened the car door, I felt like I was in Time Square, not great!

Nonetheless, we tried to make the best of a bad situation and went to see if we could get Megan her trainers. Sadly, the pair she wanted only came with a display shoe. I knew Megan was desperate to get them, but I wasn’t willing to pay for a shoe tried on by hundreds of people. In the end, we left empty handed.

At this point, I wasn’t Mr. Popular. However, I regained my popular status as we entered ‘Dave & Busters.’ I love these places; you get to let your hair down and go mad playing arcade games and collecting tokens. Plus, you can have a beer while doing this. What isn’t there to like?

Before we got our Uber back to Burbank, Nicola spotted a viewing deck that gave us a view of the iconic Hollywood sign. It was the 1st time we saw the sign, and for the first time, we appreciated where we were.

On the way back to our Airbnb, we got to experience LA traffic, which did annoy our driver. However, he soon perked up when he got a load of job offers in Burbank.

We ended our evening watching Netflix and having a couple of beers. While today wasn’t the most exciting, we took it easy and got some personal admin jobs done. The rest of the week will be a lot busier, I promise.

Thanks for taking the time to read our ‘Day 15- Travelling across the USA.’ If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below.


The Lewis Family.


Posted in USA

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