Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf North Conway, NH

We arrived in North Conway, NH, after a very scenic drive up from Gorham, ME. Looking for some fun, we spotted Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf North Conway near our accommodation and decided to give it a go. Megan was really excited to play some mini golf in the USA; did it live up to her expectations? Read on to hear our review of Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf in North Conway.

Where is Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf North Conway?

2001 White Mountain Highway – located on the main road which goes through North Conway, near many hotels and restaurants.

Opening hours and cost?

Weather permitting, the courses are open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the summer season and from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. all other times.

We paid $11 each for myself and Nicola, and Megan was $10. This was for one 18-hole course, ‘Blackbeard’s Challenge’; in hindsight, it would have been better value to play both courses at $16 or $15 per person.

*Prices and hours are correct as of July 11, 2024; please check out the Pirate’s Cove Adventure website for up-to-date prices and opening hours.

Why did we choose Pirate’s Cove Adventure North Conway?

Why did we choose Pirate’s Cove Adventure North Conway over other courses in the area? There was no real reason for this other than that we had seen other Pirate’s Cove Adventure courses on our travels around the USA, and they always looked popular, so we decided to give it a go.

Picking our course.

As I mentioned earlier, Pirate’s Cove Adventure North Conway has two courses: ‘Blackbeard’s Challenge’ and ‘Captain’s Course’. It would have been better value to play both, but I’m not sure Megan (11) would have been interested in playing both courses. With that in mind, we asked the staff member which one they would recommend, and he said that ‘Blackbeard’s Challenge’ would be harder than the other course, so we decided to channel our inner Rory McIlroy’s and take on the tougher course.

Would Daddy continue his winning streak, or would outsiders Nicola and Megan give him his first ‘L’ in the USA?!

Blackbeard’s Challenge.

We made the short walk from the club house to ‘Blackbeard’s Challenge’. Nicola took charge of the score card; apparently I cheat, so this is how it stops any arguments.

Balls were placed, and we made our way around the busy 18 pirate-themed holes.

Nicola took an early lead, and I started to fall behind, which was concerning. Megan was previously told the highest score won, so she thought she was way ahead. (Why do people tell kids these things? Just tell them the truth!)

We made our way through caves, past dodgy-looking pirates, and along gushing rivers. We only lost two (nearly three) balls during our round.

The course was challenging at times, and there were a couple times we had to reset our balls as there was no way we could hit them, adding extra strokes to our tally.

I was still behind at hole 14, and Megan hit a hole in 1. Things were looking bad for my winning streak with only 4 more holes to go as we climbed the steps to the top.

We played our four remaining holes and headed to the clubhouse to see who won. Our timing was actually great, as there was heavy rain shortly after we completed our round.

Who won our round at Pirate’s Cove Adventure North Conway?

Of course, I won. Nicola lost her way at the remaining holes, and Megan actually made a comeback when we told her the actual scoring system!

Would we recommend?

We really enjoyed spending about an hour at Pirate’s Cove, North Conway. The theme, scenery, and obstacles all made for a fun experience. I would say all the courses are similar across the country, so we would have no problems recommending Pirate’s Cove North Conway or any other Pirate’s Cove course. What we would probably recommend is paying for the two courses, as they are far better value.

The only thing that was missing was a hole-in-one challenge to win a free round. I like these at other courses, and while it is highly unlikely you will get it in the hole, it just adds to the fun.

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The Lewis family.

Posted in USA

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